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The job market is changing fast and it’s often difficult for candidates to navigate it : job boards, professional networking, Linkedin-ing, spontaneous applications, etc.


Our dual competency in recruitment and psychology will help us to organize more efficiently your job search:

  • Training your job interview skills

  • Leveraging various tests such as MBTI or Sosie to know you better and highlight your strengths and key improvement areas

  • Drafting a resume or a professional network profilee

  • Training your networking skills Reviewing and evaluating your carreer

  • Preventing or remediating job burnout


Virginie Bodescot is an Executive Coach and a Specialist in Intercultural Management. She coaches and accompanies executives in their dealings with change and complexity.  Her missions are targeted towards the needs of organisations and people in a variety of situations:

  • Support before or after a promotion or a change of responsibilities to ensure success

  • Change project within an organisation or a department 

  • Navigate intercultural challenges of a dispersed multicultural team

  • Address perceived deficits in some behavioural skills 

  • Deal with lack of self-confidence or time management issues

Her background:

Virginie Bodescot initially graduated from ISIT Paris to become an interpreter however she quickly chose to join Marks & Spencer in 1989 at a time when the retailer was expanding its continental Europe operation at full speed. After a year spent in the UK, she was appointed Personnel Manager in various stores, then joined the European Head office in Paris as Head of Training and Development. In this role Virginie managed the intake programme of young graduates for the 6 European countries working closely with the UK training stores and the London Head Office. She later pursued her career with GEODIS where she led the industrial relations in a context of mergers. She missed the international aspect of her work and had the opportunity to join INSEAD’s HR management team to bring her support to the rapid growth of the school at the time. During her tenure with the ‘Business School for the World’, INSEAD became a global school with the addition of 3 campuses in Singapore, Abu Dhabi and San Francisco and the significant growth of its employees and programmes. As Global Chief HR Officer, Virginie managed an international team of HR professionals and supported the expansion through the recruitment and development of international talents in various roles. She accompanied numerous leaders of different nationalities and cultures in the daily management and development of a diverse workforce in a context of high growth and increased competition. Since 2018 Virginie Bodescot devotes her time to executive coaching & intercultural issues in organisations. Virginie Bodescot is a fully trained coach with a Diploma in Clinical Organizational Psychology from INSEAD’s Consulting & Coaching for Change Programme (2009) and the INSEAD Coaching Certificate (2018). Virginie Bodescot is a member of the International Coaching Federation and adheres to the ICF Code of Ethics

Virginie Bodescot est formée au coaching et titulaire du diplôme de Psychologie Clinique des Organisations  du programme Consulting & Coaching for Change de l’INSEAD (2009) et titulaire de l’INSEAD Coaching Certificate (2018). 

You may contact Virginie Bodescot at or by calling her at +33 - 06 68 93 63 31

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